Laravel 资源大全

Laravel Schedulable Schedule Eloquent Models without Cron Jobs
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Laravel EloquentBuilder Eloquent Query Builder
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Laravel Eloquent Scope as Select Reuse Eloquent query scopes as select statements
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Eloquent Power Joins The Laravel way of using Joins in Eloquent
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Elasticquent Elasticsearch for Eloquent Laravel Models
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Laravel Auditable Audit Logs for Eloquent Models
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Rutorika Sortable Sortable Behavior for Eloquent Models
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Roles and Permissions Simple Laravel Roles & Permissions
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Laravel Table Generate Tables from Eloquent Models
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Laravel Excludable Exclude Model Entities From Eloquent Queries
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Compoships Multi-column Relationships for Eloquent
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Eloquent Human Timestamps 人类可读的 Eloquent 模型时间
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Eloquent Sluggable Eloquent Slug Service
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Laravel Friendships 通过 Eloquent 模型类管理好友关系
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Revisionable Laravel模型的修订历史
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Bouncer Eloquent 角色 & 权限
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Laravel Transactional Model Events Eloquent 模型事务事件
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Befriended 社交媒体关系 & 内容交互功能
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